About Seaful
Seaful was founded in 2020 by Dr Cal Major MRCVS BVM&S MSc, with the help of Ocean Ambassadors, in response to a growing appreciation that, despite its role in all our lives, as a society we have become largely disconnected from our ocean. Our aim is to inspire, educate and empower; to reach outside of current echo chambers to engage more people in the conversations around our blue planet. To show what’s out of sight and out of mind, and how we can all reconnect to, and help protect, our ocean and waterways.
It was also born from a wish to help more people to experience just how powerful the natural world can be in benefitting our mental health.
Why It Matters
The ocean ecosystems produce half the oxygen we breathe, and are vital for regulating the planet’s temperature, water and food resources. No matter where we live, our health is intertwined with the health of the ocean.
The ocean is our planet’s life force, home to incredible and important creatures and plants, and the rivers and streams that run through our lands like arteries and veins connect us all to the sea. The ocean faces unprecedented threats from climate change, over-fishing and plastic pollution and needs every single one of us to appreciate the importance of the ocean in our lives, and to stand up for its protection.
Being Mindful of the Sea
Time in, on or by the water is proven to be beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing. In a world increasingly disconnected from nature, finding a personal and meaningful connection to our blue spaces has never been more crucial. We facilitate experience of the ocean for those who might not otherwise have the chance.
The word Seaful is derived from being Mindful of the Sea. Mindful of its importance, of the way it feels to be there, and of what we can each do to help preserve and protect it. People will protect what they love, but they can only love what they know. Our mission is to help more people to find their own connection to the ocean, one which supports their wellbeing, and encourages more stewards of our blue planet. We aim to inspire educate and empower, to help more people become Seaful.