Ocean Ambassadors supports Seaful
Here at Seaful we are incredibly grateful for the support of our friends at Ocean Ambassadors, in particular founder Felix Appelbe.
You’ll often hear us talking about ‘finding your tribe’ when it comes to looking after the ocean, or in fact anything you care about. With so many threats to the planet and places we love, it can feel very overwhelming and isolating to campaign for their protection alone. It can feel difficult to know where to turn of focus our attentions.
Well, finding your tribe – a group of like-minded people who understand your passion, concerns and worries, can be a really empowering and powerful way to keep taking small steps forwards in the right direction. We are so grateful to have found our tribe with the Ocean Ambassadors family – a group of passionate ocean advocates from around the world, all experts in their own field of ocean conservation and engagement, but all working towards the same goal; protecting the ocean we so deeply love.
In particular, founder Felix Appelbe has offered us support, advice and invaluable knowledge in getting our charity off the ground – helping to point us in the right direction, keeping us on track, and believing in us every step of the way. Ocean Ambassadors made an incredibly generous donation to Seaful to cover the costs of getting the charity set up, and for our projects going forward, and without that we would not be where we are today – excited to get our projects rolling!
We’re looking forward to working in partnership with our friends at Ocean Ambassadors on activities such as an Ocean Curriculum that one of the Ocean Ambassadors, Henry, has been working hard on, and with some of our Vitamin Sea Project activities up in Scotland. We’re also excited at the prospect of working in partnership with the amazing Sail Britain, part of the Ocean Ambassadors family.
Ocean Ambassadors is a space for learning, collaboration and sharing expertise. We hope to be able to share our own resources, such as the Vitamin Sea TV films, with our tribe over the coming years.

One thing Felix has really instilled into us is that Seaful, and in fact all of the Ocean Ambassadors’ work, is not necessarily about the destination. Our work may never be ‘complete’. Instead, the progress and the joy come in the journey – each individual person we can reach, each community we can reconnect, and all of the intertwining connections between ocean advocates along the way. When the problems seem too large, coming back to that helps keep us grounded, and moving forward with purpose and passion.
A HUGE thank you to Ocean Ambassadors and Felix Appelbe; we are so grateful for all your support and for being welcomed into the Ocean Ambassadors family, and we look forward to a long, mutually supportive and joyful partnership with all of our tribe.